From my previous posts, before the "betul-betul kanasai" one, i posted about Rachel's food poisoning encounter just about a week ago. Last Friday (22-08-2008), Rach got me pissed in my pants, yet again. For the last few days, Rach was hospitalized with appendicitis.All this while, it was not food poisoning. The clinic doc did not check her throughly......wth!!!
I was supposed to go to KL for a meeting on Sunday till Thurday, as well as to meet my blog buddy Pete for dinner.....*drools*. But God, in His miraculous ways, revealed that Rach had appendicitis 2 weeks before her trip to Taiwan.
We went to our local GH and I was really, really, really pissed with their service. Firstly, when I patiently queued to be registered...which took me 1/2 hour, and there were only 2 patients in line. My wife was crying in pain, vomitted several times and that shitty attendant ate keropok....right in front of us. I almost punched him in the face....really!! This was our conversation
(after waiting in line for 1/2 hour)
Me : Hello encik! Isteri saya sakit lar...boleh cepat sikit tak?
AH (asshole) : Nanti dulu. Tak nampak saya sibuk kah? Tunggu lar!!!
Me : Saya sudah tunggu 1/2 jam. You tak nampak kah.
AH : 1/2 jam tak lama. Orang lain tunggu 1 jam (right after he said it, he went to eat keropok)
Me : Woi!! Celaka!! You apa nama? You nak saya complain nama you berani makan depan saya? Bloody bastard!!! (I took out my pen and paper to jot down his name and he suddenly felt that I was not joking)
AH : Ok, Ok......nanti dulu. Saya main-main saja.
Me : Orang sudah sakit macam ni, nko ingat saya main-main. You bodoh ke apa?
AH : Ok, Ok......(then he took out the red registration form and hurriedly completed it)...Ok sudah ok. You tunggu kat sana (pointing at the waiting room), missy akan check pressure.
Me : Woi!!! Nko nak aku tunggu lagi ke? Isteri saya sudah muntah2, nko nak saya tunggu lagi
AH : Terpaksa lah boss....I takde kuasa nak bagi you potong q.
(then without another word I pushed Rach to the queue line whilst grumbling).
The people there consoled me and even helped me to persuade the AH to allow Rach to jump queue. After checking her pulse and blood pressure, I had to wait for another 1 hour to see the doctor. Rach was vomitting and cannot even stand. She was in terrible pain and I was afraid that she might even go into shock. My mum was there and advised me to hurry to the specialist....which i shouldve done much earlier...stupid me.
So, stupid me drove like crazy to the specialist centre located near our Tunas Manja Supermarket Transit Point called Hospital Pakar KCDC...(dunno what it stands for). The nurse hurriedly pushed her to the A&E room for a scan. She pressed her abdomen to check where it pains the most and found that it was at her lower right of her stomach. The doctor came to double checked and confirmed 90% that it was appendicitis. They had her blood and urine checked as well. That was at about 5.30pm. The specialist, Dr Tan confirmed that an operation is needed at 6.30pm. Rach was still in great pain btw. They made the preparations and Rach went in for surgery. I was still in a panicked state but the doctor said that it was only a minor op, and there's nothing to worry about. How can i not worry? In any operation, minor or not, there still is a 50/50 chance of something bad to happen. I prayed to God the whole time. At about 7.20pm, the doctor confirmed that it was a succesful op and Rach is fine.
Rach was in KCDC for 4 days. We discharged yesterday morning, and guess how much was the bill like......RM8K++. Overall, I was impressed with their hospitality and service. "5" star service. My mom in law complained that the bill was too expensive, and I told her that money can find sum more, but a life....never. Rach did not have an insurance policy, I told her to cancel her old one as there was not much benefit. I submitted her new application to Prudential in the morning of her ordeal.....really no luck at all. So i had to fork out the amount by cash. I could claim thru the bank but only a maximum of RM4.5K. Better some than none.
Rach is feeling much better now, she's eating and walking. She even joked about her operation. She can laugh, she can smile.....and now she can "berak" comfortably....hahaha. And now, I can sleep.......Thanks for all your well wishes and prayers. A special thanks to God for His protection and blessings, our church members; Pastor and family, Francis and family, Ruth (who was in Kuantan last weekend), Lee, Ai Lean, Siew Ching, Jessel and family, my colleagues, Rach's colleagues, Pete for smsing me (hehehe) Rach's family and my family, for their love, support and prayers. May God adds His blessing upon you and brings you peace.....God Bless!!