Tuesday, March 24, 2009

Introducing BloggerUnited....

I was supposed to do this introduction for BloggerUnited much, much earlier. I joined this forum like site back in January, introduced by Kellaw. Got about 447 hits on my profile so far. Not much compared to the feh-mus ones whose hits are about 30K-40K. And not to worry, you won't find the likes of Kenny Sia or Xiaxue here, coz they are already on top. Plus, they've got no time to rant or just wouldn't be bothered to waste their time here.

Now, 447 hits on my profile todate does not mean I will be earning tonnes of money from my blogging activities. Blogging to me is just mere hobby, a favourite past time or in other words just wasting my precious worldly time here on earth. But hey!!! It's much better than to waste money AND time boozing in pubs, checking out Ah Lians or banging your heads from side to side in front of a huge speaker, deafening yourselves to death like a brainless monkey. 
It has been almost 9 months since I've started rainman-x, and I have loyal followers. Like me, we usually rant alot from politics (now very much dead in my blog), social activities, our family, our daily lives, what we ate and what came out (yuck!!) and lotsa other stuff. Off and on, you would have noticed some dead bored pictures taken by my DSLR. My readers are mostly married, with or without children, soon to be parents and such (mostly Malaysians and Singaporeans)......and I would love to give them a big warm hug, and kisses if I may :P
Being in BloggerUnited is just to expand my site beyond my current horizon. There, you may publish your latest post, comment others, earn points, tag your favourite blog posts, chat in the lounge, express your opinions and may even be the Popular Blogger of the Month. BU as we called it is all about what's going on in the blogging world, all the things you as a blogger and your fellow blogger writes. This site is getting much popularity as time goes by. I'm very bad in introduction so I'll just shut my gap and check out my profile here.


Unknown said...

bro, i saw you there already,i have joined as well, watch out

Lisa said...

yeah we did it at the same time :D

introducing BU to readers :D

Anonymous said...

i tot it's Man United fan club...*sigh*...

fufu said...

yeah...i have been blogging since 6yrs ago... met up some nice bloggers... yeah i would recommend you to explore more the cyber world if you have time...

Malaysian Joe said...

waaaa... someone go big time eh? err.. how do I join blogger united? are they the same as Manchester United? LOL...

Anonymous said...

thanks a bunch rainman...man u sweet :D

Unknown said...

yeah :)
we START making money when we become famous which is going to take a while huh. lol.

Calvin Soo KJ said...

eugene, really ah....ok. we chat in lounge. :)

lisa, as ive said before....great minds think alike ......heheheh

chrisau, im for chelsea. what makes you think i'll join m.u. club...lol

fufu, you wanna join b.u.?? you so leng chai, sure be top very fast :P

mjoe, very much like that...*grins* just go to the site and register for free. then add me as friend....we go up together-gether :)

rei99, this is just a small thing i could do to prosper b.u.... :) you're sweet too...*grins*

joanna, it'll take me a life time, i guess...hehehe.

Calvin Soo KJ said...

jason, ya sounds very much like it. but better. this united can bring in more readers and thereafter make you earn more $$...lol

jen, thanks for dropping by. visited yours and commented :)

Anonymous said...

Eh? I use wordpress, dono can join anot ahhh???

i go see see look look.... lmao....

Calvin Soo KJ said...

clef, no problem. can join for free. then add me as your friend.... :P. you write good, sure got a lot of bloggers visit you one. then can become feh-mus...

Anonymous said...

=.= low profile better la.... scared ppl stalk. LMAO...but these days damn busy, no time to write. *sigh*

Shinky said...

Yeah Calvin. I just joined!

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