"Boss,..saya nak mintak emergency leave boss......betul Boss, saya serious nih......Saya tak tipu Boss.......saya terpaksa ambik emergency leave nih..........Betul tak tipu ni boss. Bukan anak sakit Boss.........Tak, bukan isteri saya sakit perut Boss.......Gambarnya pun saya hantar sekali masuk MMS nih Boss...tolonglah boss, betul Boss.......saya tak tipu Boss....... sungguh....... Tengoklah gambar nih bosss..."

hahaha.. nice one! lol
btw, your blog is a photography and joke blog edy? =)
Very funny!
haha...poor chap
has this ever happened to you, i wonder,,,,
have a good weekend
i salue that feller,
flooding already, still can make phone call like this...
spelling error.
*salue --> salute
after what happen in the country, joking about it is good.
Thanks Eugene. are u guys in facebook btw?
Ha Ha Ha....Calvin, you made my day!
Still can call meh?
I initially tot that the phone would be cut off... lmao... how are you and your missus, bro? Hope you both are doing well there, it's been some time since you update.
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