This came in to my mail last week. I trust my male blogging buddies aren't any of these... :) Relationship needs to be nurtured and not taken for granted. We need to spend quality time with our family, otherwise we'll end up like "after 6 years". Yesterday in church, pastor shared that there are 12 magical words that would hold fanilies together. Just would like to share with you before the joke.
1. I AM WRONG - admit if you're wrong, don't just argue because of your ego
2. I AM SORRY - say you're sorry, from the bottom of your heart
3. PLEASE FORGIVE ME - ask for forgiveness, easier said than done but should at least try
4. I LOVE YOU - mean it...women has sixth sense to know if you mean it or not :)
.......and now to the joke
How men changeThe Love Word:
After 6 weeks: I looo-ve you, I love you, I love you!
After 6 months: Of course, I love you.
After 6 years: GOD, if I didn ' t love you, then why did I marry you?
Back from Work:
After 6 weeks: Honey, I ' m home!
After 6 months: I ' m BACK!!
After 6 years: Have you cooked yet?
Phone Ringing:
After 6 weeks: Baby, somebody wants you on the phone.
After 6 months: Here, it ' s for you.
After 6 years: ANSWER THE PHONE DAM*T!!
After 6 weeks: I never knew food could taste so good!
After 6 months: What are we having for dinner tonight?
After 6 years: DUMPLING AGAIN??
New Dress:
After 6 weeks: Wow, you look like an angel in that dress.
After 6 months: You bought a new dress again?
After 6 years: How much did THAT cost me?
After 6 weeks: Baby, what would you like us to watch tonight?
After 6 months: I like this movie.
After 6 years: I ' m going to watch PIRATES play, if you ' re not in the mood, go to bed, I can stay up by myself!
Making Love:
After 6 weeks: Baby, I want you tonight?
After 6 months: Lets make another baby, my mother just called!!!
After 6 years: Please MOVE over to your side, I'm suffocating here!!!!